Where Benjamin Natenyahu stands, Trump stands. Trump is a Zionist owned agent of Israel. Of course he pretends not to be but anyone with any intelligence knows Trump is a Jewish tool. He was selected to help Israel. Https://Strangerinajewishworld.blogspot.com

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I think the dirt they have on so-called Donald Trump is that he is a transgender neutral. A girl. He never quite has any facial hair. You can't see if he has an Adams apple. Small hands. A small plastic surgery penis shaped like a mushroom. He's got a big ass and hips: a body like a girl. Melania is definitely a guy. Jared kushner is definitely a girl. This is the dirt they have on this so-called family. I can't speak for his children but for all I know they were cloned. His removal of the immigrants will just cause civil war. We have a shit show on the horizon. I'll bet you all our taxes go to Israel and Jewish interests. Nothing is ever left for us. This country is an international disgrace.

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Have you received a call yet from the Babylon Bee lawyers?

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Gerald Celente is always Spot On with his Trends Journal Assessments

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trump is for sale to the highest tiny hat club bidder. war ,death criminal behavior? you name it he is up for it. all the while conning the gullible cult that is a saint.

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🎄 A Somber Christmas in Bethlehem: The Birthplace of Christ Amid Occupation and Oppression

Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, stands in mournful silence this Christmas. The Church of the Nativity, an enduring symbol of hope and salvation is void of decorations or its iconic Christmas tree. The festive cheer is overshadowed by sorrow, as Israel’s occupation continues to inflict suffering across Palestinian lands, including the nearby besieged Gaza Strip.

Despite the Terra Sancta Scout Troop’s procession through Bethlehem, their banners send a chilling message: “We want life, not death” and “Stop the Gaza genocide now!” A stark reminder of the ongoing suffering endured by Palestinians.

Mayor Anton Salman and Latin Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa’s messages resonate with a community clinging to faith and resilience amidst destruction. Both leaders call for peace, yet the shadow of systemic oppression looms large. Archbishop Pizzaballa, who recently visited the war-torn Gaza Strip, brought back both images of devastation and the indomitable spirit of survival.

Meanwhile, the West remains complicit in Israel’s occupation, choosing silence over justice. Christian communities across the Holy Land continue to dwindle due to economic despair and the unbearable conditions wrought by the occupation. Bethlehem’s Christian population, once thriving has been reduced to a fraction of what it once was, a silent exodus in the face of hardship.

The burning of a Christmas tree in Al-Suqalabiyah by jihadist fighters and the muted international response to Palestinian oppression underscores the deep crisis facing religious minorities in the region. Where is the outrage from Western leaders who claim to champion human rights?

This is not just a local issue but a global stain on humanity. The birthplace of Christ deserves better than silence from the so-called champions of democracy and justice.

The people of Bethlehem, Gaza, and Palestine persevere, holding onto their faith and dignity in the face of overwhelming odds. As one scout poignantly held aloft a sign: “We are stronger, we belong to light, not to darkness.”

This Christmas, their plea echoes louder than carols: when will the world listen?

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Greater Israel is his goal

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Reality is the only thing that matters.

According to ChatGPT:

As of December 23, 2024, during the 118th United States Congress (2023-2024), over 19,000 bills have been introduced. This total includes various types of legislative proposals, such as bills, resolutions, and concurrent resolutions. Each proposed bill, along with its enabling legislation, requires about two thousand pages to describe what it is about.

These bills are introduced at a rate of about sixty per day.

The US Congress is in session on average 155 days per year.

Therefore, the US Congress votes on about 120 thousand pages of Law every day they are in session.

Not one person elected to Congressional office claims to have read very much, if any, of it.

In the past year, 2024, of the 9,500 proposed laws that the Congress voted on, Eighty Two of the big ones were turned into Law.

How do we move forward from here?

Artificial Intelligence

“Grok, the AI chat bot developed by Elon Musk’s startup xAI, will soon be able to summarize complex U.S. laws before Congress passes them.

This new feature aims to simplify legislation and make it more accessible to the public, allowing people to understand the "real purpose" of these laws.

Grok's ability to access real-time information through X(formerly Twitter) and browse the internet enables it to provide up-to-date summaries of proposed legislation.

This move comes as part of Musk's emphasis on transparency and truth in AI technology.

The feature is expected to be implemented in the coming weeks and will be available to X Premium+ subscriber.” (AI summarized).

This is an opportunity to do something historic. We must insist that the program allow the subscriber to ratify, turn down, or require more information before a decision can be made. These numbers can be totaled, parsed into congressional districts and made public in real time.

If enough people demand and use the tech we might be able to get their hands off of our throats.

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