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Bolsters desire for independent council members idea to nominate independents on city councils nation wide run a slate nominate people to paint those UNODOC cars and allocate peace keeping funds in reserve the peace keeping budget and U.S. contributions to that with ,local offices and recruitment . U.S army recruitment stations can offer brochures for U.N. Peace keeping though an office in Mall of America is still goal The independents would represent Libertarian, Conservative, Green, Labour. Idea is to run 6 one of each political. Spectrum. Though as said Libertarian would be strong contenders as can balance being left alone by government with social services, and self sufficiency and independence. Also feature peace keeping as part of that second amendment well regulated militia provision in tge constitution. Peace keeping as in having peace keepers monitor cease fire lines and help deescalat conflict. Also U.N. Food program to hire workers and ensure under articles 25 none starve due to collapse of economy. Idea is to remain independent yet have the U.N Charter protect worker rights.

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