The fact that Fatty Pompous was even "mentioned" bodes ill for the next USSAN not so deep state gubermint. Either way we know Trump owe$ his allegiance to the chosenite$ that have financed his losing ventures all his life. Make Israhell grate again.
More chee$, plee$ and on with the Pentacon Khazar global genocide.
Looks like Trump has learned nothing from his first term as President. It is good news that Haley and Pompeo will not be in his administration. The bad news is he is considering the warmonger Mike Rodgers as Sec of Defense, and Iran hawk Brian Hook will be vetting candidates for Sec of State and positions in State Department. The bad news outweighs the good for peace.
As we in Missouri say, it don't mean shet
The fact that Fatty Pompous was even "mentioned" bodes ill for the next USSAN not so deep state gubermint. Either way we know Trump owe$ his allegiance to the chosenite$ that have financed his losing ventures all his life. Make Israhell grate again.
More chee$, plee$ and on with the Pentacon Khazar global genocide.
Same as it ever waZ.
Looks like Trump has learned nothing from his first term as President. It is good news that Haley and Pompeo will not be in his administration. The bad news is he is considering the warmonger Mike Rodgers as Sec of Defense, and Iran hawk Brian Hook will be vetting candidates for Sec of State and positions in State Department. The bad news outweighs the good for peace.
Good start.
Helyes. Pompeo egy áruló.