Trump officially converted (from being crypto-Jewish fake Christian all along) to the Chabad Lubavitcher death cult of the undead in 2017.
The only thing Trump really supports are the horrifically bloodthirsty anti-white edicts of his demon rabbi chief, the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Menachem Schneerson, who years ago stated that a war must be created between the Gentile peoples of Russia and Ukraine under false pretenses only in reality to 'end the line' of the Slavs there.
The hate-filled murderous Rabbi Schneerson instructed that this intended war would really be purposed to remove Slavs from the area so that millions of Jews from Israel can then move to live there to create a 'Bigger Israel', which are the same words Chabad Lubavitcher Zelensky also uses to describe what he wishes to create over the blood-soaked remains of duped Ukrainian and Russian Christians.
The Christian Gentile soldiers on both sides are sent to simply slaughter each other en masse for the Jews in power over both sides, perishing horribly in the meat-grinder in their hundreds of thousands with a life expectancy on the front lines of just four hours in what is in effect a simple industrial slaughter process of gradual extermination.
Jewish politicians in the US, UK, Ukraine and Russia who support the continuance of this actually needless and totally arranged war are the real enemies of all the human race along with all Chabad Lubavitchers and all other Jews, as their scriptures state what they do, that all Gentiles on the entire planet are ultimately to be exterminated and sent to hell by these blood-sucking 'undead', the Jews.
There is no wiggle room on this issue for all who call themselves Jews, or for all who are crypto-Jews working along with them over several thousand years of constant reincarnations as godless and consequently earth-bound souls, striving only for Jewish world domination and our deaths.
Soldiers are forced or simply effectively hypnotised by propaganda lies or even drugged to fight under entirely false and treacherous parasitic Jewish and crypto-Jewish leadership on both sides.
Both Putin and Zelensky are really on the same team, the Chabad Lubavitcher team, and both are also fellow alumni of Klaus Schwab's Communist WEF, Klaus Schwab was born to a Jewish mother before he was later adopted.
Schwab's WEF psyop intentionally conceals the true nature of what is really being imposed on the world, which is nothing other in truth than the rabbinically-ordered genocidal mass murder of billions of Gentiles under the anti-Gentile Noahide Laws that rabbis state are based on the Torah itself.
Putin is a crypto-Jewish fake Christian who is frequently to be seen wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist openly demonstrating his affiliation and devotion to this sick cult. Many photographic and video images of Putin wearing the cult red thread very clearly testify in evidence of this truth.
When open war broke out between Russia and Ukraine, massed Chabad Lubavitchers in a huge meeting hall danced wildly in frenzied celebration throughout the night as they carried both Ukrainian and Russian flags waving them around, clearly gloating over how they had accomplished this demonic feat of making Gentile brother kill Gentile brother yet again, as in Isaiah 19:2, enjoying both Gentile peoples being consigned to the blazes in ritual mass blood sacrifice to their demon god Moloch.
A Chabad Lubavitcher rabbi made a video-recorded speech stating that the Chabad Lubavitchers control all major political and financial affairs in both Russia and Ukraine, of course just as they do in the USA as well, the whole thing is a demonic war only against all of Gentile humanity itself to seize this entire planet by military conquest for the Jews alone to then live on.
The Torah, Talmud and Zohar all call for the eventual total physical extermination of all of Gentile humanity throughout the entire world, and very extensive evidence can be provided to prove this in the form of totally clear and unambiguous Jewish scriptural statements and recent recorded rabbinical statements to this same effect.
A newly-created Bigger Israel in Ukraine, that was formerly part of Russia, is likely a planned retreat route for millions of Israeli Jews should things not ultimately go too well for them in Israel for any reason, but many Israeli Jews will undoubtedly still go there nonetheless in any case to seize whatever they can, many Israeli Jews will still surely go to Ukraine to seize now empty and free-for-the-taking land in Ukraine.
Crypto-Jewish Stalin did exactly the same when he killed 10 million Ukrainian Christian Slavs there before, Stalin can be seen in photographs wearing full Bukharian Jewish attire while in the association of openly-recognized fellow Jewish senior Bolsheviks from the time who are all similarly dressed in these images. Stalin's mother rests in an openly-marked Jewish grave.
10 million is the exact same figure for all the Ukrainians that Stalin stated he had 'liquidated' while he spoke in conference with Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta in 1945, and huge numbers of Jews greedily flooded into Ukraine already back then in the 1930's after Stalin committed those mass murders in order to seize the then purposely emptied land there free for the taking.
More or less the exact same tactic is being repeated today in Ukraine, just as is the case in Gaza also, these two wars having been entirely planned, in Gaza using their Manchurian Candidate Hamas leader controlled operatives who have all been held in captivity by the Jews, ample enough time for the Jews to have seriously messed with their heads.
This is often the way they parasitically acquire living space, by the simple overwhelming tactic of mass murder of the Gentile residents occupying any land the Jews wish to acquire, especially by tricking Gentile peoples into killing each other, especially when one or even both Gentile nation sides are totally controlled by sinister Jewish or crypto-Jewish operatives.
DON THE OLD is a braggart who is allowing a foreign subversive aka muskrat to dismantle the u.s. govt. and the maggat cult cheers because they are told and believe the lies about saving money. money they will NEVER see.
What horrible piggy little eyes Trump has. He is probably turning into one already.
Trump officially converted (from being crypto-Jewish fake Christian all along) to the Chabad Lubavitcher death cult of the undead in 2017.
The only thing Trump really supports are the horrifically bloodthirsty anti-white edicts of his demon rabbi chief, the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Menachem Schneerson, who years ago stated that a war must be created between the Gentile peoples of Russia and Ukraine under false pretenses only in reality to 'end the line' of the Slavs there.
The hate-filled murderous Rabbi Schneerson instructed that this intended war would really be purposed to remove Slavs from the area so that millions of Jews from Israel can then move to live there to create a 'Bigger Israel', which are the same words Chabad Lubavitcher Zelensky also uses to describe what he wishes to create over the blood-soaked remains of duped Ukrainian and Russian Christians.
The Christian Gentile soldiers on both sides are sent to simply slaughter each other en masse for the Jews in power over both sides, perishing horribly in the meat-grinder in their hundreds of thousands with a life expectancy on the front lines of just four hours in what is in effect a simple industrial slaughter process of gradual extermination.
Jewish politicians in the US, UK, Ukraine and Russia who support the continuance of this actually needless and totally arranged war are the real enemies of all the human race along with all Chabad Lubavitchers and all other Jews, as their scriptures state what they do, that all Gentiles on the entire planet are ultimately to be exterminated and sent to hell by these blood-sucking 'undead', the Jews.
There is no wiggle room on this issue for all who call themselves Jews, or for all who are crypto-Jews working along with them over several thousand years of constant reincarnations as godless and consequently earth-bound souls, striving only for Jewish world domination and our deaths.
Soldiers are forced or simply effectively hypnotised by propaganda lies or even drugged to fight under entirely false and treacherous parasitic Jewish and crypto-Jewish leadership on both sides.
Both Putin and Zelensky are really on the same team, the Chabad Lubavitcher team, and both are also fellow alumni of Klaus Schwab's Communist WEF, Klaus Schwab was born to a Jewish mother before he was later adopted.
Schwab's WEF psyop intentionally conceals the true nature of what is really being imposed on the world, which is nothing other in truth than the rabbinically-ordered genocidal mass murder of billions of Gentiles under the anti-Gentile Noahide Laws that rabbis state are based on the Torah itself.
Putin is a crypto-Jewish fake Christian who is frequently to be seen wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist openly demonstrating his affiliation and devotion to this sick cult. Many photographic and video images of Putin wearing the cult red thread very clearly testify in evidence of this truth.
When open war broke out between Russia and Ukraine, massed Chabad Lubavitchers in a huge meeting hall danced wildly in frenzied celebration throughout the night as they carried both Ukrainian and Russian flags waving them around, clearly gloating over how they had accomplished this demonic feat of making Gentile brother kill Gentile brother yet again, as in Isaiah 19:2, enjoying both Gentile peoples being consigned to the blazes in ritual mass blood sacrifice to their demon god Moloch.
A Chabad Lubavitcher rabbi made a video-recorded speech stating that the Chabad Lubavitchers control all major political and financial affairs in both Russia and Ukraine, of course just as they do in the USA as well, the whole thing is a demonic war only against all of Gentile humanity itself to seize this entire planet by military conquest for the Jews alone to then live on.
The Torah, Talmud and Zohar all call for the eventual total physical extermination of all of Gentile humanity throughout the entire world, and very extensive evidence can be provided to prove this in the form of totally clear and unambiguous Jewish scriptural statements and recent recorded rabbinical statements to this same effect.
A newly-created Bigger Israel in Ukraine, that was formerly part of Russia, is likely a planned retreat route for millions of Israeli Jews should things not ultimately go too well for them in Israel for any reason, but many Israeli Jews will undoubtedly still go there nonetheless in any case to seize whatever they can, many Israeli Jews will still surely go to Ukraine to seize now empty and free-for-the-taking land in Ukraine.
Crypto-Jewish Stalin did exactly the same when he killed 10 million Ukrainian Christian Slavs there before, Stalin can be seen in photographs wearing full Bukharian Jewish attire while in the association of openly-recognized fellow Jewish senior Bolsheviks from the time who are all similarly dressed in these images. Stalin's mother rests in an openly-marked Jewish grave.
10 million is the exact same figure for all the Ukrainians that Stalin stated he had 'liquidated' while he spoke in conference with Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta in 1945, and huge numbers of Jews greedily flooded into Ukraine already back then in the 1930's after Stalin committed those mass murders in order to seize the then purposely emptied land there free for the taking.
More or less the exact same tactic is being repeated today in Ukraine, just as is the case in Gaza also, these two wars having been entirely planned, in Gaza using their Manchurian Candidate Hamas leader controlled operatives who have all been held in captivity by the Jews, ample enough time for the Jews to have seriously messed with their heads.
This is often the way they parasitically acquire living space, by the simple overwhelming tactic of mass murder of the Gentile residents occupying any land the Jews wish to acquire, especially by tricking Gentile peoples into killing each other, especially when one or even both Gentile nation sides are totally controlled by sinister Jewish or crypto-Jewish operatives.
How many Trumps are there??
DUMP theTRUMP shenanigans
DON THE OLD is a braggart who is allowing a foreign subversive aka muskrat to dismantle the u.s. govt. and the maggat cult cheers because they are told and believe the lies about saving money. money they will NEVER see.