
Here is my service contract between IRS and VISA to use sales tax to open UNODOC offices in U.S.A abd as Black Lives Matter gave defacto per mission perhaps can charge it to it and perhaps add Sweden and Spain through articles 25,21,21,27,20 and 27 in particular. Just add fo contract as defacto permission as U.N right to defend comes into play via lesce keeping as no one else ready to cough up the money .

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In addition to my petitions for UNODOC a contract with VISA to use sales tax to pay for fees charged on VISA cards to build the UNODOC program across U.S.A. and to send Finnish and Swedish to Mexico as fair to charge for U.N contributions as said NATO belligerent then put on Mexican border to illustrate point or Canadian border by invitation.Then focus elsewhere.

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To distribute at event and perhaps via mobile tax app charge a credit card as tax transfer for international authorization of funds to open a UNODOC office and subsidies fiorTrends Journal non partisan subsidies through.gov site or not will see about payment my self of tge 2 dollars. The petition should back it up tge transfer from NATO to UNODOC. For Canada all required are changing helmet colours and adjust policy to peace keeping. Also petition sent to political parties but perhaps nothing will come of it as with petitions to stop you tube censorship

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