Screw Ukraine and the US neoCONs who started this war so they can have a nuclear exchange to study.

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Ukraine the Land has been betrayed by The people who must not be named who since at least 2014 have spend more money on the Zionist Mafia behind this war than on the well being of the American People.

All the Diplomats are spies.

They are double talk snakes of the Zionist Mafia.

Fuck them.

This is all a shitshow.

The real Danger NOBODY speaks about and yes Gerald I would like you to take this up because this is more dangerous than anything ever before combined.

I am talking about the Introduction of AI on Computer chips by Intel AMD Apple and all others.

AI on CPU's is a game changer.

It is your personal STASI officer that stand between you and any device every device.

Allowing this technology to go through = total enslavement of the Human Race by stealth.

Every computer every device will have such a chip and is through this able to control the Human Race.

Nobody is safe.


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