isn'treal needs eliminated. a terrorist entity such as it cannot be permitted to continue genocide.

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The genocidal, maggot infested, entitled albatro$$ that is Khazar occupied Palestine lashed tightly around the scrawny neck of the USSAN half-wit Golem will be its ruination.

Karma surely has a dark sense of humor.

Onward down the sewer.


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It's hard to see how a single THAAD battery would be able to defend against a strike of the type Iran last launched. Perhaps this assistance is intended to be symbolic.

As for the congressional applause, I would submit that no one gets invited to address Congress in the first place unless such an ovation is assured. Zelensky got a similar reception.

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Now that the USele$$ "patriot$" all got burned crispy in the rump Ukrapper dumpster fire it's time to wheel in "Thad". How long more will USSAN tax cattle put up with this garbage?

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