Yet another reason I've learned to hate this government.

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How many Congress/Senate members own defense stocks, who stand to make money off their dividends by pushing for spending for war, so their defense contractors get govt contracts to make more war toys?

We have laws about pro sports figures not being able to openly place bets on winners/losers of championship games - because we consider that a 'conflict of interests' - then why do we allow politicians who own defense stocks to vote/promote endless foreign wars?

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I would support a constitutional amendment that all members must wear pig heads while voting on any resolution to rob the treasury of money we don't have. Of course the piggy bank went bust decades ago, but symbolism rules the world so why not? Oh and they would have to honk instead of say Aye...

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Clown world. The oligarchs money laundering as much as they can before the markets go boom! Hold on tight, the next few days to weeks will be revolutionary.

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In 1914 the Opposing Forces of this war... a war of Israel... just like the Hamas War today.

But unlike Hamas and Israel who are both Idiots... the Germans and the British made an Impromptu truce and even played Football matches together.

Can you Imagine Israel and Hamas playing a friendly Football match?

No fucking way.

Especially not with the Money of the Rothchilds who fund all wars and the most vile and evil person Benjamin Netanyahu.

So for all my American Friends here... If Germans and British could find a truce there... we can find it here.

This is just a screenshot to remind you that we the people don't want war.

Arseholes do.

Fuck them.


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The growing rebellion on college campuses against the genocide Joe and Nazi Netanyahu war of annihilation against Palestinians needs an objective beyond an immediate ceasefire and emergency delivery of food and medical supplies. The international community, the U.N. must live up to its principles and coordinate reconstruction plans for the Palestinians. A buffer zone must be created to prevent aid workers from getting shot at by IDF terrorists/snipers.

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And it wasn't even the worst part of the funding, the intelligence part was also snuck in undercover. Homerun for the bad guys. Very sad.

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They don't even realize what they're doing to the legal basis for the USD as the world reserve currency...

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