I been warning for years now that these motherfuckers will do exactly that.

Stop what you are doing... Lock down all politicians and if they want to pass you by... shoot them.


Activate the Farmers and Truckers... bring this and every country to a standstill.


WEF is at the center of this... every politician judge and traitors like the head of the CIA and FBI who are both WEF Muppets should be put to the wall and shot.


They want WW3?

Give 'em Hell.

Tell them... Fritz Freud sent you!

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I'm a trucker and the problem is, most truckers today don't speak english.

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You ain't a Trucker... you are a Hasbara Troll.

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Me??? No, I drive a shitty 2014 international. My scope is on the injection. But when someone says truckers? I speak up because I'm out here. I went to Hagerstown & Eagle Pass... I'm telling you there's not that much solidarity out here. As for Israel? I believe in Jesus. You want more ask.

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This Is A Military Coup.

You Can Call It Covid.

Or You Can Call It What It Is:

A Military Coup.

They Took Out One President.

And Installed A Puppet.


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Pray Rosary, wear Brown Scapular.

Say act of perfect contrition ( an act of perfect contrition for your sins can get you into heaven)

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While Ukraine uses U.S.-supplied ATACMS, it's the U.S. that provides the software and tracking technology that sends the missiles to its target. Equally guilty of killing four and wounding hundreds, I would not blame Russia if it strikes both Ukraine and US territorial assets. How much longer before those territorial assets are on the US mainland is anyone's guess. A global Tragedy is not far away if intervention is not forthcoming.

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I love it when you swear, Gerald. You're a GC, a straight-talker and a man of peace, and you've been consistent through the years. If I had to have a disagreement with anyone, I would that it was you, because you tell it like it is, and are fully animated. Keep up the good work.

Best regards from the uttermost edges of the crater.

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send the war mongering politicians to fight. see how long they last. we can watch it live.

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In this context, what it means Russian forces at caribean waters, and some suspects that maybe someting left in Cuba.

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Means the enemies have breached the walls and have been running our country for years. End Game. Be prepared

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We have been occupied by an Anglo-American Financial Oligarchy for decades. Former CIA whistleblower Ray McGovern calls it the MICIMATT. The Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank Complex. If we put Financial in front, it describes in general but accurate terms what we are up against. The MIC, for short, is international, Throw in BAE Systems, City of London bankers, MI6, BCHQ and King George and that about sums it up. The WEF Davos crowd is made up from these categories. The so called Deep State is at its root the permanent bureaucracy. It is rotten to the core and must be removed. What's coming on now is the disintegration of the 2 quadrillian derivatives market. Which will produce the greatest financial disaster in the history of mankind. If Glass-Steagall were restored we could reorganize the commercial banking system and separate it from investment banking with a firewall. It will need to be accompanied by a new credit system and National Bank ala Alexander Hamiliton (Article 1, Sec 8). Barring that, what will happen is not a depression but an economic breakdown crisis that not only takes down Wall St money centered banks, but everthing else will go down with it too. There is a bill in the House to restore Glass-Steagall, HR 2714. Languishing in committee today it can be passed quickly as the crisis worsens and it becomes more obviously the answer to even the dullards occupying Congress.

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