I live in the UK and you shine a light on all the ills in the world, unlike anyone else any where in the world, thanks and its serious, Andy.

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Nuke Pirate Rock and its evil collection of snaggle-toothed island monkeys and be done with it. Then do the same to USSA unless they call off their NaZi$ in rump Ukrapland.


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This war will kill majority of european population even without Russia attacking beyond Ukraine. Tho there is nothing to stop it with current military strenght of Nato. They mostly have only air power and of that much is only at paper. The allmighty stealth planes will start to be delivered starting from 2028. Untill that there is not so much modern aircraft ready to fight. Europe was prepared on war on "terror" in poor developing countries. We will have no chance if we go to war agains Russia, which it seems we are.

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What rounds? Is he an utter retard? Those rounds will vaporize when they hit. The radio active dust will carry all around the europe with the winds.

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