Putting aside whether Polio is caused by a virus.

Given the stated aim of Israel, odds are these jabs will be like the ones GateOfHell supplied in Africa.

The ones that directly impacted fertility in the target population.

They want Palestinians dead or gone. And they have bemoaned how they can't just starve two-million of them to death.

But stopping them reproducing...

...With a humanitarian jab?

Remember: We are dealing with amoral monsters. Literal Evil.

This is another play to get their Agenda achieved.


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So the Israelis are more afraid of personally catching totally imaginary 'germs' than using real American-supplied weapons to 'impersonally' end the lives of other human beings - cowards!

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They can get poison jabs in but somehow they don't seem able to get clean water and food and medical supplies in.

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THANK GOD FOR THE LAWS OF CAUSE AND EFFECT that People should follow also

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