Since they all went off at once, it very likely had to be an explosive contained in the pager. Which means that they penetrated their supply chain many months ago and have the ability to remotely detonate them. This is going to delay any offensive action by Hezbollah, implying Israel has bought time to begin an operation before they get resistance. We will see.

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Thanks for making some sense of this. "Widespread pager attack" was just not cutting it.

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Imagine what other supply chains they've already found ways to compromise, directly and indirectly! Then again, a cursory view of our money supplies, our industrial toxin dumping practices, our poisoned food and water supplies, our endlessly chemtrailed skies, our weaponized pseudomedicine, and a good many other forms of sabotage should have been evidence that "someone" has been ruining us. Now look at the state of our countries in the West after "winning" WWII. RUINED! INVADED! SABOTAGED! CORRUPTED! Ruined.

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Who? Who is being attacked? How? How are they being attacked? All I saw was a guy's giant fanny pack blowing up. Please incorporate some details into the report. "Widespread pager attack"? Come on!

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