Biden... Trump... Zelinsky... Macron... Leyen... Sunak... Starmer...

Manchurian Candidates

Selling cancer as the cure


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Israel may not survive this war. It has lost all credibility save the Biden administration. And it's on its way out the WH door. Donald Trump has proven he is not a change agent. He will only make matters worse. So who is there? Who is out there that could really make a difference? Tulsi Gabbard? Ben Carson? Tim Scott? What about Diane Sare? She is running as an Independent for US Senate. If Sare is asked, she would accept a draft candidacy from either major Party? I don't see anyone else who might be qualified to hold that office. Biden was never qualified to be President and should never have been president. But the US needs someone like Diane Sare to bring this nation into safe harbor.

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