SHAME on complacent Amerikans for enabling such blatant Abuse for decades. Been criminalized for saying it for 5 decades! Left the mess for "future" generations

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They should have a special showing before the speech of them all having a real fun time banging little girls or boys, maybe even something a tad more nefarious. That way it should be clear what is really going on.

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The facts of that day on Oct 7 have been hidden from public view. Former weapons inspector Scott Ritter posted a report that suggested that the Israeli civilians died at the hands of the IDF. Somebody gave the order to "Kill em all and let God sort em out" on that bloody day. The unsuspecting Israelis living in the Kibbutzim who were captured by Hamas had no idea what their government was going to do next. They believed their government would surely try to rescue them. Instead, an kill order went out from the head of the Israeli government to the IDF troops, called the "Hannibal Directive". No one was to be spared! Not the children. Not the women. Nor the elderly. They were all expendable that day. They were condemned to death under Israel's Hannibal Directive.

I watched videos on YouTube posted by Israeli 1st Responders that day, who were the first on the bloody scene in Kibbutz Berrie. I watched as bodies burned to a crisp were discovered in homes that had been blown apart by what could only have been tanks or helicopter fire. Israelis and Hamas kidnappers were found lying next to each other their bodies charred beyond recognition by what could only have been a missile fired by an IDF tank or helicopter! At least half of the dead Israelis reported killed that day were in military uniform. The other half of the reported 1200 Israelis killed, was more likely than not killed by IDF live fire. That theory is underscored by Hamas's intentions that day to kidnap as many civilians as possible who could be traded for the release of a couple thousand of the 10,000 Palestinians who were being held in Israeli jails. Hopefully the truth will become known. Netanyahu won't have to worry about the ICC arresting him. The Israeli people will demand that he be tried for treason.

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Washington is like most Western capitals OCCIPIED TERRITORIES by the Talmudists.

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Evil after evil in Washington allowing the devil to dictate our present and future. Democracy in name only. This is the US of Israhell, this is a besieged government.

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