The National Security Council to back UNODOC in England as economy based on financial services hence corruption. Also play up presence of UNODOC office in Austria and cooperation with DEA and F.B.I Organized Crime Division plus C.I.D. to investigate possible stocks in injection companies owned by English Government or financial incentives in both U.S.A and global basis. Of course as you say difficult to get that pit coild put to U.N. Security Council to investigate anyway. Then is still up to citizens to build UNODOC capacity as official organizations indoctrinated. Unless can argue Biden Administration abd Pfizer types biological warfare.

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I am also antiwar. But it puzzles me why so many, (who know that Russia has been provoked by the hegemon for 8 long years, with the people of the Donbass undergoing genocide, and with the UK/US' absolute refusal to allow Ukraine to negotiate with Russia), were still opposed to Putin's SMO. Other than doing nothing and losing Russia to the godless West forever, what other choices did he have?

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