Let's not forget which organized crime group was running Cuba. "The Company" led by Meyer Lansky. Rubio claimed his family were Castro exiles, but they came here in 1956. Have no idea if those two facts relate to each other, but could suggest why so eager to support ZOG

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When Rubio speaks AIPAC listens. But Rubio's constituents in Florida are almost equally divided between those who support Israel and its unfettered assault on Palestinians in Gaza that has killed and wounded over 100,000, and those who don't. I have been emailing and calling state representatives around the country organizing support for Oasis Plan. If there is ever to be peace between Palestinians and Israelis, it must be founded on development. It is in that vein that LaRouche's Oasis Plan can act as the basis for lasting peace between Arabs and Jews after a permanent ceasefire. It is why Israel strikes Iran targets. To prevent a cooling down of the crisis in Gaza through negotiation. The question is, if the US doesn't want war with Iran which would trigger a bigger regional war that has the potential to go nuclear, is Biden ready to go all the way and reign in Netanyahu? A zoom video conference on this issue is planned for tomorrow hosted by the Schiller Institute, titled THE OASIS PLAN, THE LAROUCHE SOLUTION FOR PEACE THROUGH DEVELOPMENT. Its free. Everyone is invited to attend. Register to attend at SchillerInstitute.com

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