I'm pretty sure the mastermind of Oct. 7 was from Tel Aviv... Hey lets turn off the security protections and wait a couple of hours before we do anything. Oh and lets put a music festival with everybody stoned right next to the border (or at least stage it to look like it was there).

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Ironically the IDF's post of Sinwar's last moments gave solace and boost morale of the Palestinians especially the fighters...he died a true leader, fighting along with them on the ground...a true martyr.

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Since the arrest warrants of the two slain Hamas leaders was mentioned, it should also be stated that the ICC Prosecutor also issued the arrest warrant for Israel's killer-in-chief Benjamin Netanyahu. For committing genocide and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people. Ironic isn't it?

That the current head of the Jewish State of Israel is charged with violating the Nuremberg Code, committing the same crime as Hitler and his henchmen. What happened to "NEVER AGAIN?" It was supposed to act like a blaring warning sign to remind the human race after the Nuremberg Trials that Never Again should mankind tolerate criminal barbarity and crimes against humanity, period! But seven decades later an Israeli Prime Minister and his military generals command an Israeli army that has committed the most horrific unspeakable crimes against the Palestinian population. Crimes that reach far beyond the crimes that even Hitler's Waffen SS committed. These uniformed monsters must also be held accountable by the criminal court for spilling the blood of thousands killed in Gaza. Since the warrant for arrest by ICC Prosecutor Khan, several more nations have joined S. Africa's indictment of Israel. But it's not a given that the ICC will do the right thing. This court has a proven track record of behaving like a pawn of British and US Imperial interests. But the ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan has broken the mold. He has so far refused to back down even after tremendous pressure was exerted by the UK and US to rescind the order. In opposition to the Israeli genocide, members of the IPC network led by Helga Zepp LaRouche from the Schiller Institute, is organizing worldwide to mobilize the inert and feeble minded to come to their senses and get behind the IPC peace efforts now, before WWIII begins. Both of these fascist Zionists proxies will drag the US and Europe into WWIII. But we can stop them if we we're able to force their enablers in the US to back down.

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How Fritz Freud rescued a Monkey.

There was a Monkey in my local Zoo at Langley and it's eyes saddened me.

Tears I saw and the need to be free.

So I went to Amazon and bought it a disguise... you know one of those Jewish Rabbi costumes you can buy.

I hollowed out a banana by eating it and put the costume into it.

Man I felt like Andy Warhol.

Then I threw it to the Monkey... it looked at the clothes and then put it on.

Immediately he knocked on the door and demanded to be released.

The ward apologized and cried he only followed orders.

The Monkey demanded to be seen by the Director of the Zoo and there took all of the money and drove away with the Directors Merc.

Today this Monkey is better known as Rabbi Shmuley.

Clothes do seem to make people...

Jesus is Lard...


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Oct 18·edited Oct 18

The beast Nut'nyahoo, Nitay or Milekockski depending on which alias this Polish Khazar demon uses, will also die in a way that will reflect his evil bloody passage through this life. Such genocidal monsters will indeed be cast into the burning pits of hell, where they belong and in a hundred years from now the ZionaZi thug will be hated as much by humanity as the Jewish bankster financed Onkel Adolf is today hated by Jews. If he and his willing helpers imagine that they can serve the interests of the Jews and their illegal colonial occupation of Palestine, by hollow-co$ting the Semitic people of Palestine, then they have learned precious little from history.

"Mr. Nitay", the ZionaZi Fuehrer, a born liar and psychopath.


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Man that was so fake it's surreal you people buy it.

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I saw teh uncensored photos via Hal Turner's site and I can see why some blurred as they are badly faked. Look at the ear showing. Look at the lack of blood and the fake looking hole in forehead. And if you want to see proven OCt 7th fake photos and are gullible as teh embedded reporters. Read mileswmathis paper See page 27 for Sinwar with AP reporter of whom he shared office space with. https://mileswmathis.com/isra.pdf

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