Is Trump giving the middle finger to his MAGA supporters? "Open the gates of hell on Gaza"?? And the Catholic Church says nothing? Shameful! Strange talk for a man who promised no more wars.
Chabad Lubavitcher 'convert' Trump (he always was really crypto-Jewish) is drunk on ritual human blood sacrifice in Gaza and wants even more, like a crack addict, totally unashamedly.
This because Trump is not, and in truth, never has been, actually human, he feels no sense of commonality in any terms whatsoever with any human Gentile on this entire planet.
The Torah, as quoted by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, states that of all the Gentiles in the entire world, there are to be, quote: "no survivors". Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi adds then that the Torah states that even all memory of all Gentiles having ever existed is then also to be totally erased from the collective consciousnous of all Jews when they then dwell on this planet alone with all Gentiles having been totally exterminated.
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi states in another video that just for being 'idolaters', for believing in non-Jewish religions, 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentiles are to be, quote: "KILLED". And that is just one of the 7 Noahide Laws with a death penalty for 'breaking' it that Trump was signing authorization to be implemented in the US even back when he was POTUS before, just as every other infiltrated enemy agent POTUS also treacherosusly been signing acceptance for these laws to be put into effect in the US since 1991. That is what the Jewish-designed COVID jabs are really all about.
Jewish scripture states that a Jew cannot (must not) heal a Gentile, and that a Jew must not save the life of a Gentile.
Seemingly paradoxically, the late Jewish American political assistant to Senator Jacovits stated in a 1974 interview that at that time 11 out of every 12 newly-qualifying doctors in the US were Jewish.
Centuries ago, Jews were convicted in several European white Christian nations for having been murdering Christians while working as doctors there. On my Substack site I provide considerable legal evidence of this having actually occured.
The Jews on trial gave testimony that their rabbis had instructed them to kill every 10th Christian patient on a continuing rolling basis in Gentile Christian 'Second Rome amalek' lands, and after Jews were later banned from these Gentile nations on account of Jews being convicted of these and other grave crimes, rabbis then ordered Jews to pretend to convert to Christianity for example and then enter these lands again and carry on killing as before, again while working as doctors, as Jewish scriptures state that all white Christians are amalek, the eternal enemy of the Jew against whom war must be eternal and exterminatory, and that all Christians must be physically exterminated by any means.
This is exactly what is happening through the actually Jewish-designed bioweapon ethnobomb COVID jabs, and in the video below you can see Jews themselves stating that Jews made the COVID jabs and you can see the 'odd' phenomenon of rabbis dancing and singing ecstatically in celebration about the existence of the 'Corona'.
The late Chabad Lubavitcher Chief Rabbi Menachem Schneerson stated that Jewish souls are an entirely different and totally superior race compared to the souls of all Gentiles in terms of both their spiritual makeup, and in terms of their physical makeup.
Schneerson added that Jews alone are spiritually conscious, and thus actually alive, whereas all Gentile souls are held in Jewish scriptures and thus by all Jews to be those of mere animals, which Jews regard as eternally non-living in spiritual terms as they are held to be eternally incapable of ever becoming conscious of God or of ever becoming spiritually alive in any way.
This is what Gentiles are currently being faced down 6 feet under by without most of them even having the slightest clue that this is actually being done to them via the Jewish Rockefeller-instituted WHO-mandated 500 fake med poison vaccine jabs that every person will be required to receive throughout their lifetimes, 200 of them even by the time they are just 12 years old in the US already, using the same deliberately damaging, deliberately sterilizing, heart attack-causing, particle accelerator gain of function tweaked SV-40 cancer causing virus deliberately created and added to WHO 'vaccines' to cause 'turbo-cancer' much faster and more widespread in the human body than natural SV40 virus itself ever could, along with self-replicating military grade nanotechnology that is in the COVID jabs and now already in any other so-called 'vaccines' being shoved into kids' arms with deliberate conscious murderous malintent.
Rabbi Schneerson states that the superficial outer appearance of a Jew seems to a Gentile like the physical bodies of Jews are made of the same dimension of material substance that Gentile human bodies are made of, but that actually, the material substance of the bodies of the Jews belongs in fact to an entirely different material dimension that the Gentiles cannot usually perceive with their more limited senses.
'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
Is Trump giving the middle finger to his MAGA supporters? "Open the gates of hell on Gaza"?? And the Catholic Church says nothing? Shameful! Strange talk for a man who promised no more wars.
"Open the gates of hell?" I guess the rubble hasn't bounced enough yet. Really, how much worse can it get?
Chabad Lubavitcher 'convert' Trump (he always was really crypto-Jewish) is drunk on ritual human blood sacrifice in Gaza and wants even more, like a crack addict, totally unashamedly.
This because Trump is not, and in truth, never has been, actually human, he feels no sense of commonality in any terms whatsoever with any human Gentile on this entire planet.
The Torah, as quoted by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, states that of all the Gentiles in the entire world, there are to be, quote: "no survivors". Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi adds then that the Torah states that even all memory of all Gentiles having ever existed is then also to be totally erased from the collective consciousnous of all Jews when they then dwell on this planet alone with all Gentiles having been totally exterminated.
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi states in another video that just for being 'idolaters', for believing in non-Jewish religions, 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentiles are to be, quote: "KILLED". And that is just one of the 7 Noahide Laws with a death penalty for 'breaking' it that Trump was signing authorization to be implemented in the US even back when he was POTUS before, just as every other infiltrated enemy agent POTUS also treacherosusly been signing acceptance for these laws to be put into effect in the US since 1991. That is what the Jewish-designed COVID jabs are really all about.
Jewish scripture states that a Jew cannot (must not) heal a Gentile, and that a Jew must not save the life of a Gentile.
Seemingly paradoxically, the late Jewish American political assistant to Senator Jacovits stated in a 1974 interview that at that time 11 out of every 12 newly-qualifying doctors in the US were Jewish.
Centuries ago, Jews were convicted in several European white Christian nations for having been murdering Christians while working as doctors there. On my Substack site I provide considerable legal evidence of this having actually occured.
The Jews on trial gave testimony that their rabbis had instructed them to kill every 10th Christian patient on a continuing rolling basis in Gentile Christian 'Second Rome amalek' lands, and after Jews were later banned from these Gentile nations on account of Jews being convicted of these and other grave crimes, rabbis then ordered Jews to pretend to convert to Christianity for example and then enter these lands again and carry on killing as before, again while working as doctors, as Jewish scriptures state that all white Christians are amalek, the eternal enemy of the Jew against whom war must be eternal and exterminatory, and that all Christians must be physically exterminated by any means.
This is exactly what is happening through the actually Jewish-designed bioweapon ethnobomb COVID jabs, and in the video below you can see Jews themselves stating that Jews made the COVID jabs and you can see the 'odd' phenomenon of rabbis dancing and singing ecstatically in celebration about the existence of the 'Corona'.
The late Chabad Lubavitcher Chief Rabbi Menachem Schneerson stated that Jewish souls are an entirely different and totally superior race compared to the souls of all Gentiles in terms of both their spiritual makeup, and in terms of their physical makeup.
Schneerson added that Jews alone are spiritually conscious, and thus actually alive, whereas all Gentile souls are held in Jewish scriptures and thus by all Jews to be those of mere animals, which Jews regard as eternally non-living in spiritual terms as they are held to be eternally incapable of ever becoming conscious of God or of ever becoming spiritually alive in any way.
This is what Gentiles are currently being faced down 6 feet under by without most of them even having the slightest clue that this is actually being done to them via the Jewish Rockefeller-instituted WHO-mandated 500 fake med poison vaccine jabs that every person will be required to receive throughout their lifetimes, 200 of them even by the time they are just 12 years old in the US already, using the same deliberately damaging, deliberately sterilizing, heart attack-causing, particle accelerator gain of function tweaked SV-40 cancer causing virus deliberately created and added to WHO 'vaccines' to cause 'turbo-cancer' much faster and more widespread in the human body than natural SV40 virus itself ever could, along with self-replicating military grade nanotechnology that is in the COVID jabs and now already in any other so-called 'vaccines' being shoved into kids' arms with deliberate conscious murderous malintent.
Rabbi Schneerson states that the superficial outer appearance of a Jew seems to a Gentile like the physical bodies of Jews are made of the same dimension of material substance that Gentile human bodies are made of, but that actually, the material substance of the bodies of the Jews belongs in fact to an entirely different material dimension that the Gentiles cannot usually perceive with their more limited senses.
'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
Here is what kabbalist Rabbi Michael Laitman has to say on the same subject:
National Vanguard: Kabbalist: Jews Come “From Another Dimension” to Conquer Gentiles -
We should reverse that and say... thank Jew.
Why Every Day a Synagogue must burn...
And every Jew within it
Trump was always a Zionist going back to his close association with Roy Cohn lawyer for Joe McCarthy's 1950s vicious Red Scare HUAC hearings.