Trumplestein, just like the rest of them, is a liar.

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If you remember “ Two Weeks” to flatten the curve, then just do the Trump Algorithm and “24 hours” instantly extends past his pseudo- presidency. Donald Trump talks incoherently and incessantly. He has the attention span of an amoeba. Trump is like the weather in Boston. If you don’t like it, just wait a minute!

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Which one of these two is the female?

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Between the time Trump said "24 hours" and today the insane regime ratcheting the war, continued and continuing to add fuel to the war, in ways that make a 24 hour peace deal off the table.

The most corrupt government, Ukraine, fed free money went along with the war. But, the people? Million+ dead, and as many or more left. And ALL this the actions of the neocons. And, predominantly the United States.

It seems the best deal is to admit Russia won, they keep what they won, and No NATO. What happens afterwards? A nation in dust. Who cleans it up? Who rebuilds? And, that's the problem. We, The People did not want this and yet our unelected government perpetrated this debacle. Frankly, every dime and every asset of those who profited should be liquidated, and then some. They went along with the destruction, they can rebuild it!

And the ridiculous greed of preventing nations making money in an open market. Why can't Russia sell their natural gas to the EU? It's close by, relatively speaking, and affordable. Why? When the whole world needs natural gas right now, creating huge demand, does Trump want to shut off Russia?

The Americas alone can keep American gas flowing.

With the Panama Canal and Greenland, hopefully Trump is pulling our horns in, protecting us, and let the world do it's own thing. And, deal with their own crimes against their people.

Mr. Kellogg doesn't strike me as a credible negotiater. Is there someone that's a reasonable, savvy, firebreather? 😂

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uh huh ,sure. meanwhile reports say the clown has a nice mansion to retire to.

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